

Honour that special someone by creating a fundraiser in their name. Whether you want to keep the memory of a passed loved one shining bright or recognize a loved one still with you, creating a tribute fundraiser in their name is simple and meaningful.

Send a tribute e-card onlyDonation required Start a tribute fundraiser

It’s a win-win situation: You let your family and friends know you are thinking about them and you get to give a new smile to a child.

Tribute Ideas

In Memory

Honour the passing of a loved one by making a donation to Operation Smile Canada in lieu of flowers or other gifts. Giving a new smile to a child in need is a powerful way to honour the life of those who made you smile.

That Special Smile

Is there someone in your life who always makes you SMILE? Dedicate a mySMILE fundraiser to that special someone who inspires you to Smile every day.

Fundraising Resources

Whether you prefer to fundraise online, in person or on paper, we have the tools you need. Download our fundraising event resources kit here. Or, contact us at
647-696-0600 or to request a free resource kit be mailed to you. Your kit includes:
